The Learning Journey
Putting wellbeing and education at the centre of their work, a team of qualified and experienced professionals focus on your child as an individual by planning learning experiences and play sessions that revolve around your child’s needs and interests.
A holistic view of learning is taken while following the Early Years curriculum, where children continue to build on what they learn by moving on to lessons based on reading and writing as they approach school age. By including language learning, science, dance, drama, messy play and many other interesting topics that children find so exciting, a broader spectrum of education results.
To further enrich the curriculum, a suitably qualified external provider comes in to in the toddler & preschool rooms and runs foreign language (by native speakers), drama, yoga, dance, sing-along and other sessions every day.
Never a dull moment!
Daily Routine
Children benefit most from the delivery of the curriculum by being with us all day.
After breakfast, they are engaged in set activities designed to stimulate imagination and learning. Shortly after a mid-morning snack, the children are taken out for a walk with a stop at a local park or garden (babies) or go out in the garden (toddlers & preschool), weather permitting and depending on their age.
Most children have one main sleep after lunch, which starts at 11am (young babies will sleep more frequently and as many times as required). Once awake, the children are offered a mid-afternoon snack, followed by more set activities, other learning opportunities and another brief outing.
The day starts comes to an end with a light dinner at about 4pm, following which the children are guided and monitored as they play freely and await collection.
The Team
Caring for and educating children is a vocation rather than a job, so we have invested considerable time and attention recruiting and training a team of highly experienced and qualified professionals who have an empathetic and caring approach to the children.
Mostly qualified to Bachelors’ or even Masters’ degree level or in possession of another childcare qualification, the team shares a passion for maintaining an excellent and outstanding provision. The mission is to create a stimulating and nurturing learning environment where children thrive in a safe and happy setting.
The staff includes native foreign-language teachers, as well as drama, music and yoga instructors, who conduct regular sessions with toddler and preschool children, to enhance their understanding of the role of language and the arts in a multi-cultural environment.